ITS - Your Partner in Solutions

ITS innovates on the working method, allowing our customers to acquire only what is needed. Through custom Projects and Solutions, using state-of-the-art technologies, we provide specialized Consulting, Software and Services

Who are we?

ITS started its operations in 2005, Integrating and Providing Customized Solutions within the National market. As of 2010, we have expanded our borders and gained the International market. Currently we have presence in South America (Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Uruguay), Africa (Mozambique) and Middle East (Turkey). With subsidiaries in Uruguay and Chile and REP in the United States.

Our Vision

Through specialization, integration and growth, we can transform the world into a sustainable unit, with socially, economically and more importantly, educational awareness. Our principles are solidly based on professional achievement, integrity, teamwork and success.

Our Mission

Become a reference as a provider of high efficiency Customized Solutions, helping our customers to achieve their goals and success.

Our Expertise

Technical team of Engineers, Consultants, Systems Analysts, DBAs, Designers and Technicians with experience in Processes Automation (Production and Logistics), Technology (RFId, Bar Code, Printing Processes and Vision Systems), Automatic Conveying Systems and Special Equipment Projects.

Our Intelligence

Apply our 20+ years of experience, to generate Solutions for our Customers business, aggregating strategic partners and cutting-edge technology.

Our Success

As reference in projects, and with great technological knowledge and transparency, ITS is the best choice to establish a Solution provider partnership.

Our Solutions

The availability and experience of ITS, makes our projects to be stable and last forever. So the only thing the customer dedicates, is to manage their business

Get in touch

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Our Customers

Each one of our satisfied customers, makes ITS sure of its path for success


Explosives Producer

Explosives Consumer



Strategic Partners

ITS makes a lot of partnership, so the businesses keep running, with certainty of return, making it possible to deliver strong and complete solutions, to no matter what industry